Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Vigil of the Ascension, Rogations

II class
White (all day) and Violet (in Rogations procession and Mass only)

Commemoration of St. Bernardine of Siena, Confessor

The Minor Litanies—Rogations—are today. If the Rogation Mass is not celebrated, it is not commemorated in the Mass of the day (except on April 25, which regards the Greater Litanies), and the Rogations are not included anywhere in the Office.

General info:

The Minor Litanies (excerpted from Rubricae generales):

82. According to conditions and customs varying from one church to another and from one place to another … a procession is held on this day, in which the Litany of the Saints is said with its accompanying prayers. The petitions of the litany are not doubled.

83. If a procession cannot be held, … special supplications [may be said], which shall include the Litany of the Saints and the other prayers customarily said in procession.

86. The Rogation Mass is regularly to be said after the procession…. It is fitting, however, that the Rogation Mass be said even after the special supplications which take the place of the procession, even if these services are held in the evening. [It is a II class votive Mass, per RG 346.]

87. The minor litanies or Rogation days, of themselves, are assigned to the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before the feast of the Ascension of our Lord.

88. Of the minor litanies there is nothing in the office, but only in the Mass which is connected with the procession or with the other special supplications.

90. On these days the Litany of the Saints with its prayers is said only in procession or as part of the other supplication…. Hence, those who are bound to the recitation of the divine office but do not take part in the procession or in the other special supplications do not have to say the Litany of the Saints with its prayers on these days.


Apart from procession/supplications: Mass of the Vigil, Gloria, commemoration of St. Bernardine, no Credo, preface of Easter

Following procession/supplications: Mass of the Rogations Exaudivit de templo, listed in the Missal before the Vigil of the Ascension (Violet), prayers at the foot of the altar omitted, no Gloria*, commemoration of the Vigil, then of St. Bernardine under same conclusion, no Credo*, preface of Easter

*The Gloria and Credo are not said in the Rogations Mass because it is a II class votive (no Credo) with violet vestments (no Gloria)


The Minor Litanies are not commemorated in the Divine Office.

Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn in Tempore Paschatis, antiphon Alleluia and psalms of the feria, three lessons proper (homilia in evangelium diei), Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphon Alleluia and psalms of the feria (first schema); remainder in Tempore Paschatis; Benedictus antiphon and oration proper; commemoration of St. Bernardine

Hours: Antiphon Alleluia and psalms of the feria; remainder in Tempore Paschatis; oration proper

I Vespers: Of the Ascension; proper antiphons, with psalms of Sunday except Psalm 116 for fifth psalm; remainder proper

Compline: Of Sunday


Next month’s notices are posted below, and are also available in a usable document here: June 2020 SSPX Ordo Notices

June, the Month of the Sacred Heart: The Litany of the Sacred Heart is added after the Rosary throughout the month.

Pentecost has a I class octave. The Sequence Veni Sancte Spiritus is said each day within the proper Masses of the days of the octave.

The Ember days of Pentecost are within its octave. (This is a remnant of fasting beginning soon after the close of Eastertide, before Pentecost was given its octave.) The color of the Ember days of Pentecost is red instead of violet. Friday is observed as a day of fast and abstinence, with Wednesday and Saturday observed as days of fast and partial abstinence (USA) or fast and complete abstinence elsewhere.

The External Solemnity of Corpus Christi is celebrated on the Sunday following the Feast, ideally with an outdoor Eucharistic Procession. There is no commemoration of the Sunday in the festal Mass. The Office remains that of the Second Sunday after Pentecost. Consult the online ordo entry for Corpus Christi for more information on the rubrics.

The External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart is celebrated on the Sunday following the Feast. On the Feast itself and/or on the following Sunday, the Litany of the Sacred Heart and the Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart are recited before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. There is no commemoration of the Sunday in the festal Mass. The Office remains that of the Third Sunday after Pentecost.

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist is on June 24. Bonfires are made on the eve in some places, and there is a special blessing in the ritual for these.

The Vigil of Sts. Peter and Paul falls on Sunday this year, therefore it is omitted. I Vespers of Sts. Peter and Paul is commemorated at the end of Sunday vespers.

Father’s Day is the third Sunday of June in the USA.

Funerals are not permitted this month on Trinity Sunday, Corpus Christi, and the Feast of the Sacred Heart.


Local observances

Calendar: These apply to priests assigned to these priories. For the public celebration of the Office and Mass, they apply only to the local territory. If a priest is celebrating Mass privately in another location, he may follow either the calendar of his priory or the calendar of the place. For the private recitation of Office, he must follow the calendar of his priory.

Titulars & Patrons: The External Solemnity of the priory or chapel’s titular feast and of the local patronal feast (principal patron) may be celebrated on the Sunday immediately preceding or following the feast unless impeded by a first class Sunday or feast, in which case it can be commemorated in the Sunday Mass (collects under single conclusion).

Accidental Occurrence: A local first class feast takes precedence over a second class feast or liturgical day, but is trumped by all other first class feasts and liturgical days in the universal calendar. If the superior feast is of the same Divine Person or saint, the local feast is omitted, otherwise, it is transferred to the next available day which is not first or second class. (Sundays and the Feast of the Consecration of a Cathedral or Church are both of Our Lord).

Chapel Titular Feasts (I class)

Albuquerque: June 29, Sts. Peter and Paul
Browerville: June 19, Sacred Heart
Charlotte: June 13, St. Anthony
Franklin: June 11, Corpus Christi
Kenner: June 9, Our Lady of Grace (cf. MPAL)
Los Gatos: June 21, St. Aloysius
Mancelona: Movable, Sacred Heart
North Caldwell: June 13, St. Anthony
Seattle: June 11, Corpus Christi

Local Patronal Feast (I class)

Girard: June 9, St. Columba
Pittston: June 29, St. Peter
San Antonio: June 13, St. Anthony
St. Paul: June 30, St. Paul
Walton: June 30, St. Paul

Local Cathedral Consecration (I class feast)

Anchorage: June 5
Bakersfield: June 7
Bismarck: June 15
Dickinson ND: June 15
Eddystone: June 29 (transfers to next available day)
Fort Myers: June 30
Jacksonville: June 10
Kalispell: June 3
Ridgefield: June 13
San Diego: June 2
Silver City: June 11
Victor: June 3

Elenchus Sodalium Defunctorum FSSPX,

15. Soror Mathilde Ewerhardy, † 2001
17. Frater Augustine Valenza, † 2006
21. Sacerdos Helio Buck, † 2010
28. Soror Judith Meitzner, † 2007
+Requiescant in Pace+