IV class
Mass of preceding Sunday (Violet), no Gloria, omit Tract, no Credo, common preface
Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn per annum as given in the psalter; lessons from occurring scripture, no Te Deum
Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (second schema); remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration of the preceding Sunday
Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration of the preceding Sunday
Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration of the preceding Sunday
Compline: Of the feria
Next month’s reminders and announcements are below, and are also available in a usable document here:
2020.03 March 2020 SSPX Ordo Notices
Month of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Confessor, and Patron of the Universal Church. Fac nos innócuam, Ioseph, decúrrere vitam, sitque tuo semper tuta patrocínio.
Litany of St. Joseph: It is ordinarily said after the Rosary and at Benediction during the month of March, in addition to the customary prayer To Thee, O Blessed Joseph.
Feast of St. Joseph: It is celebrated on March 19, and is often solemnized in a greater way outside of Lent. Formerly this was done on the feast of the Patronage of St. Joseph, on the Wednesday after Good Shepherd Sunday, with an External Solemnity on the Sunday following. In 1955, Pope Pius XII transferred the second feast (that of the Patronage) to May 1, incorporating an artisan theme.
Lent: Consult the seasonal notes in the online ordo by clicking on the Season icon. On Ash Wednesday the sanctuary should be scaled down from Septuagesima to Lenten mode, changing out the better altar appointments to those which are more sober (from gold to silver, for example). Flowers and reliquaries are removed from the altar.
Fasting and Abstinence: (1) Traditional rules: The last regulations issued in the USA before the conciliar reform were in 1956, and are these for the Lenten season, still observed by custom (de more) if not by law (de jure): Fasting (ages 21-59) is observed on all of the weekdays and Saturdays of Lent. Abstinence (ages 7+) is observed on Ash Wednesday, Fridays of Lent, and Holy Saturday, with partial abstinence observed on Ember Wednesday and Ember Saturday; (2) Current rules: The current regulations strictly oblige de jure fast for ages 18-59 on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, and abstinence for ages 14+ on these two days and the other Fridays of Lent. They also require under pain of sin that Lent be observed as a time of penance (CIC 1250), and they enjoin abstinence from meat on all Fridays of the year unless superseded by a solemnity; this abstinence may be commuted to some other penance on all Fridays of the year with approval of the local Ordinaries (CIC 1253); (3) Houses of the Society: Consult the 1997 Regulations, Chapter One.
Penance: The faithful should be encouraged to take up some Lenten mortifications, and it is a common practice to give up something specific for Lent. Likewise they should add some additional spiritual practices during the season. “During these days, therefore, let us add something to the usual amount of our service, special prayers, abstinence from food and drink, that each one offer to God ‘with the joy of the Holy Ghost’, of his own accord, something above his prescribed measure; namely, let him withdraw from his body somewhat of food, drink, sleep, speech, merriment, and with the gladness of spiritual desire await holy Easter” (Regula S. Benedicti).
Stations of the Cross: During Lent, it is customary that the Via Crucis be held, especially on Fridays. Announce the Stations schedule to the faithful, and that there is a plenary indulgence for making them. The faithful should be encouraged to privately make the Stations themselves at other times also, especially during Lent. There are no prayers strictly prescribed for this, although there are many manuals with prayers and meditations which may be used.
Lenten reading: Lent is a great opportunity to encourage the faithful to take up some good spiritual reading, to suggest some specific titles available in the chapel bookstore, and to suggest that the faithful consult the Angelus Press catalog or website to choose some good books for Lent, for themselves and their children.
Ember Days: On the First Sunday of Lent, announce that the following Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday are the Ember Days of Lent.
Laetare Sunday: The IV Sunday of Lent. Flowers may be used on the altar, the organ and other musical instruments may play, relics are exposed on the altar gradines, and Rose vestments are substituted for violet in the Office and Mass.
Passiontide: The last two weeks of Lent are Passiontide, beginning with Passion Sunday. Crosses and statues are covered with violet veils from Passion Sunday until Good Friday (for the Cross) and the Easter Vigil (for statues). Flat images are not covered, such as wall murals, stained glass, or bas-reliefs such as those on the front of the altar.
Plan ahead for Holy Week: Lent is the time to review the Holy Week rubrics and ensure that the servers are assigned to their positions for the Holy Week and Easter ceremonies, that their parents are committed to having their sons present at the assigned times for liturgical practices and the ceremonies themselves, and that the servers are provided with notes and good training so that they may fulfill their respective roles digne, attente, ac devote. It is important to ensure that they receive not only the necessary technical skills for Holy Week, but also a solid spiritual formation in the supernatural grandeur of the sacred ceremonies, which allows them to grow in the knowledge and spirit of the Faith. It will also be beneficial to post the Holy Week schedule for the faithful early, a few weeks in advance, so that they may plan accordingly.
Chrismal Mass: Maundy Thursday at STAS. It is held at an early hour so that priests may more easily be able to participate before flying back to their chapels for the evening Mass in Cena Domini. All priests are encouraged to assist. Also, make sure the sacristy has your order for Holy Oils.
Collect for the Pope: March 20. In all Masses except Requiems, the collect for the Pope is added under one conclusion with the collect of the day (Orationes diversae, n. 5: Deus omnium fidelium pastor et rector), which is also done at the Secret and Postcommunion. This commemorative observance, during the present reign, is permanently transferred from March 19 per the rubrics (RG 362-65, 449-50).
Weddings & Funerals: Lent is a closed time for the solemn nuptial blessing; it may not be given without permission or equivalent supplied regulations. Nuptial blessings may resume on Easter Monday. Marriages may be celebrated, with the nuptial blessing to be imparted at a later time (e.g., because of a military deployment), but spouses are to be admonished to avoid excessive festivity during this penitential season. Funerals are not permitted during this season on Sundays, the Sacred Triduum, and Easter Sunday.
Daylight savings time begins in the USA on the second Sunday of March (spring forward).
Local observances
Calendar: These apply to priests assigned to these priories. For the public celebration of the Office and Mass, they apply only to the local territory. If a priest is celebrating Mass privately in another location, he may follow either the calendar of his priory or the calendar of the place. For the private recitation of Office, he must follow the calendar of his priory.
Titulars & Patrons: The External Solemnity of the priory or chapel’s titular feast and of the local patronal feast (principal patron) may be celebrated on the Sunday immediately preceding or following the feast unless impeded by a first class Sunday or feast, in which case it can be commemorated in the Sunday Mass (collects under single conclusion).
Accidental Occurrence: A local first class feast takes precedence over a second class feast or liturgical day, but is trumped by all other first class feasts and liturgical days in the universal calendar. If the superior feast is of the same Divine Person or saint, the local feast is omitted, otherwise, it is transferred to the next available day which is not first or second class. (Sundays and the Feast of the Consecration of a Cathedral or Church are both of Our Lord).
Chapel Titular Feasts (I class)
Armada: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Buckingham: Mar 7, St. Thomas Aquinas
Fort Collins: Mar 25, Annunciation
Greenwood: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Louisville: Mar 21, St. Benedict
Saint Maries: Mar 19, St. Joseph
San Antonio: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Local Patronal Feasts (I class)
Baton Rouge: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Boston: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Buffalo: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Carmichael and Chico: Mar 17, St. Patrick
El Paso: Mar 17, St. Patrick
Fort Worth: Mar 17, St. Patrick
Franklin: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Gilford: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Hartford: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Los Gatos: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Louisville: Mar 19, St. Joseph
New York: Mar 17, St. Patrick
Oklahoma City: Mar 19, St. Joseph
San Jose: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Sanger: Mar 17, St. Patrick
Wheeling: Mar 19, St. Joseph
Local Cathedral Consecrations (I class)
Armada: Mar 25 (transfers to next available day)
Detroit: Mar 25 (transfers to next available day)
El Paso: Mar 17 (transfers to next available day due to Patronal Feast)
Springfield: Mar 25 (transfers to next available day)
Collects/Orations for Ordinary
Added to the collects of the Mass under one conclusion
Arcadia: Mar 1, Ioseph/Angelorum
Bakersfield: Mar 5, Ioseph/Fresnensis
Klamath Falls: Mar 8, Liam/Bakeriensis
Memphis: Mar 5, David/Memphitanus
San Diego: Mar 3, Robertum/Sancti Didaci
San Pedro: Mar 1, Ioseph/Angelorum
Spokane: Mar 12, Thomam/Spokanensis
St. Paul: Mar 24, Bernardum/Sancti Pauli
Elenchus Sodalium Defunctorum FSSPX, Martius
01. Sacerdos Ludovic-Marie J. Barrielle, † 1983
02. Frater Armin Lenz, † 2011
02. Sacerdos Louis Golvan, † 2015
06. Soror Marie Christiane Berther, † 2018
08. Soror Marie de la Paix Laurent, † 1994
11. Soror Marie Jean Bosco André, † 2005
15. Sacerdos Charles Baillif, † 2015
19. Frater Régis-Marie Serve, † 1992
25. Episcopus Marcel Lefebvre, † 1991
+Requiescant in Pace+