II class
Mass of the Sunday, Gloria, Credo, preface of the Holy Trinity
Office of Sunday per annum
Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn per annum as given in the psalter; three lessons proper; Te Deum
Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of Sunday (first schema); remainder per annum as given in the psalter; Benedictus antiphon and oration proper
Hours: Antiphons and psalms of Sunday (at Prime, Psalm 117 is used); remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration proper
Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of Sunday; remainder per annum as given in the psalter; Magnificat antiphon and oration proper
Compline: Of Sunday
The July Online Ordo Notices are posted below and are also available in a usable document here: July SSPX Ordo Notices
Te ergo quaesumus, tuis famulis subveni, quos pretioso Sanguine redemisti.
“It is necessary to rediscover each day the treasure that we hold in our hands, to remember that this treasure comes to us from Our Lord Himself and that it cost Him His Blood.” – Rev. Fr. D. Pagliarani
The Feast of the Most Precious Blood (Red) is on July 1. The Raccolta contains several prayers in honor of the Most Precious Blood, which may fittingly be used during the month of July (nos. 215-222).
Votive Collects: There is a veritable treasury of collects in the Roman Missal, and these may be used with great efficacy during fourth class days. From Rubricae generales, we present the rubrics below (keep in mind that conventual Masses are only those celebrated within a religious community bound to the choral recitation of the Divine Office):
461. Every priest may add one collect if he so chooses in all low non-conventual Masses on liturgical days of the IV class.
462. The votive collect may be chosen from the Masses which may be celebrated as votive Masses, or from prayers for various intentions and occasions, or from Masses and prayers for the departed.
463. This collect is put in the last place, after the other collects, but it must not bring the number of collects to more than three.
464. A votive collect for the departed may be added in low non-conventual Requiem Masses of the IV class.
465. In the collect A cunctis (From all dangers), either the titular of one’s own church, or any principal patron, or the founder or the title of the order of congregation may be named. For the rest, the rubrics found in the missal for this collect should be observed.
Note that RG 462, above, indicates the three sources from whence these votive collects may be drawn: from the Missae votivae (for weekdays or ad diversa), from the Orationes diversae, or from Orationes diversae pro defunctis.
The rubrics have historically prescribed frequent use of the collects Contra persecutores Ecclesiae. These are found in the 1962 Missal in Orationes diversae, no. 3. They are now called Pro Libertate Ecclesiae, but they are the same collects (Ecclesiae tuae, quaesumus, Domine, preces placatus admitte: ut, destructis adversitatibus et erroribus universis, secura tibi serviat libertate.)
From the Missae votivae, one may use the collects, for example: Ad vocationes ecclesiasticas petendas, Ad vocationes ecclesiasticas servandas, Ad vocationes religiosas petendas et fovendas, Pro fidei propagatione, Pro Ecclesiae defensione, Pro Ecclesiae unitate, Pro infirmis, Pro gratiarum actione, etc.
There are many others in Orationes diversae, such as: Ad poscenda suffragia sanctorum; Pro omni gradu Ecclesiae; Pro seipso Sacerdote; Pro defensione ab hostibus; Pro quacumque necessitate; In quacumque tribulatione; Ad postulandam continentiam, humilitatem, patientiam, caritatem; Pro devotis amicis; Pro salute vivorum; etc.
In Orationes diversae pro defunctis, there are, for example: Pro defuncto Episcopo (which could be said for Archbishop Lefebvre); Pro defunctis Sacerdotibus; Pro patre et matre (or in the singular for either one); Pro defunctis fratribus, propinquis, et benefactoribus; etc.
Note that the votive collect Pro seipso Sacerdote is added under one conclusion by a priest on the anniversary of his own Ordination, with very few limitations (cf. RG 451-452 for more precision).
Funerals are permitted every day this month except where a church is celebrating its Titular feast or the anniversary of its own Consecration.
Local observances
Calendar: These apply to priests assigned to these priories. For the public celebration of the Office and Mass, they apply only to the local territory. If a priest is celebrating Mass privately in another location, he may follow either the calendar of his priory or the calendar of the place. For the private recitation of Office, he must follow the calendar of his priory.
Titulars & Patrons: The External Solemnity of the priory or chapel’s titular feast and of the local patronal feast (principal patron) may be celebrated on the Sunday immediately preceding or following the feast unless impeded by a first class Sunday or feast, in which case it can be commemorated in the Sunday Mass (collects under single conclusion).
Accidental Occurrence: A local first class feast takes precedence over a second class feast or liturgical day, but is trumped by all other first class feasts and liturgical days in the universal calendar. If the superior feast is of the same Divine Person or saint, the local feast is omitted, otherwise, it is transferred to the next available day which is not first or second class. (Sundays and the Feast of the Consecration of a Cathedral or Church are both of Our Lord).
Priory Church Consecration (I class)
Walton: July 16 (2011), Mass and Office of the Dedication
Chapel Titular Feasts (I class)
Detroit: July 26, St. Anne
Fort Wayne: July 9, St. John Fisher
Fort Worth: July 16, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Kansas City: July 19, St. Vincent de Paul
Mexico MO: July 22, St. Mary Magdalen
Pittsburgh: July 15, St. James
Ridgefield: July 31, St. Ignatius
San Jose: July 9, St. Thomas More
Sanford: July 9, St. Thomas More
Local Patronal Feasts (I class)
Armada: July 26, St. Anne
Buckingham: July 19, St. Vincent de Paul
Detroit: July 26, St. Anne
Falls Church: July 9, St. Thomas More
Geneva: July 9, St. John Fisher
Honolulu and Hilo: July 9, Our Lady Queen of Peace
Mancelona: July 16, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Richmond: July 19, St. Vincent de Paul
Seattle: July 15, St. James
Virginia Beach: July 19, St. Vincent de Paul
Local Cathedral Consecrations (I class)
Bay City: July 23
Belle Plaine: July 26
Bremer: July 7
Carmichael: July 1
Chico: July 1
Corpus Christi: July 17
Fort Worth: July 10
Franklin: July 26
Goldsboro: July 26
Grand Rapids: July 4
Mancelona: July 25
Raleigh: July 26
Sanger: July 10
Elenchus Sodalium Defunctorum FSSPX,
01. Soror Pancratia Reich, † 1987
01. Soror Eva Maria Baert, † 1989
14. Frater Gérard Marie Baufreton, † 2011
26. Sacerdos Stephen Abdoo, † 1987
31. Soror Bénédicte Venet, † 2006
+Requiescant in Pace+