Monday, December 24, 2018

Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord

I class

Traditional day of fast and partial abstinence in the USA. Individuals may transfer this ad libitum to the 23rd.

General info:

Funerals are not permitted

The Season of the Nativity begins with I Vespers


Proper Mass; no Gloria; after Gradual, omit Alleluia and following verse; no Credo; Preface of the Holy Trinity


Matins: Invitatorium Hodie; Hymn Verbum supernum; 9 antiphons and 9 psalms of Sunday, with verse Hodie; 3 lessons with the responsories of the Vigil; no Te Deum

Lauds: Proper antiphons and Sunday psalms of the 1st scheme; Hymn En clara vox; remainder proper

Prime: Antiphon from Lauds, with Sunday psalms (Psalm 53 instead of 117); remainder proper

Hours: Sunday psalms with antiphons from Lauds; remainder proper

I Vespers: Of the Nativity of the Lord; Hymn Iesu, Redemptor omnium; remainder proper

Compline: Of Sunday. Nativity versicle (Post partum) after Marian antiphon, until February 1.