I class
Traditional day of fast and partial abstinence in the USA. Individuals may transfer this ad libitum to the 23rd.
Funerals are not permitted
The Season of the Nativity begins with I Vespers
Proper Mass; no Gloria; after Gradual, omit Alleluia and following verse; no Credo; Preface of the Holy Trinity
Matins: Invitatorium Hodie; Hymn Verbum supernum; 9 antiphons and 9 psalms of Sunday, with verse Hodie; 3 lessons with the responsories of the Vigil; no Te Deum
Lauds: Proper antiphons and Sunday psalms of the 1st scheme; Hymn En clara vox; remainder proper
Prime: Antiphon from Lauds, with Sunday psalms (Psalm 53 instead of 117); remainder proper
Hours: Sunday psalms with antiphons from Lauds; remainder proper
I Vespers: Of the Nativity of the Lord; Hymn Iesu, Redemptor omnium; remainder proper
Compline: Of Sunday. Nativity versicle (Post partum) after Marian antiphon, until February 1.