Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Sts. Fabian and Sebastian

Pope (St. Fabian) and Martyrs

III class


Mass of the feast, Gloria, no Credo, common preface


Ordinary Office of the feast

Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn from the Common; psalms and antiphons of the feria; first two lessons of the occurring Scripture (second and third joined); lesson 3 of the feast; Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (first schema), remainder from the Common; oration proper

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria, remainder from the Common; oration proper

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria, remainder from the Common; oration proper

Compline: Of the feria


The February Ordo Notices are posted below and are also available in a usable document here: February SSPX Ordo Notices

Make Ashes: The blessed palms from last year’s Palm Sunday will be needed to make ashes for Ash Wednesday. Announce to the faithful that they should bring them in from their homes during Septuagesima time, depositing them in the vestibule or at the sacristy door, and there will be more than enough palms for the sacristans or clergy to make the ashes. Burn the palms in a metal pan, then sift the ashes through a kitchen sieve, which renders the very fine ash powder, and place this in a liturgical container. This is preferable to ordering industrial ashes from a supplier; it is unclear what those are even made of, although it is certain that they are not made from the palms blessed in the Traditional rite at last year’s Palm Sunday Mass.

Order Palms: In early February, order palms for Palm Sunday. The suppliers generally have a very early cutoff date for pre-ordering, as they must make arrangements for the amount they need. Palms cannot be ordered at the last minute as they are procured and shipped from semi-tropical and tropical farms.

Candlemas: February 2. The blessing of candles and the procession take place. The blessed candles of Candlemas are taken by the faithful to their homes, therefore extra candles may well be blessed during the ceremony and set out in the vestibule afterward. Likewise, it may be announced to the faithful that they may bring in extra candles from home to be blessed at the ceremony. The candles are a sacramental burned in times of distress, such as during illness, difficult births, hurricanes, and other calamities, and are burned furthermore around the bedside of the dying. In some places the boxes of candles for the altar are blessed also at the Candlemas ceremony, although these can be blessed with the normal candle blessing found in the Ritual whenever they are received from the church supplier. Altar candles must be at least 51% beeswax, but the other candles blessed for devotional use on Candlemas may be of any substance (e.g., beeswax, soy, stearin).

Taking of the Cassock and Tonsure: Saint Thomas Aquinas Seminary holds the ceremony on Candlemas day. The clergy and faithful should be encouraged to pray for the new clerics and for those seminarians taking the cassock.

St. Blaise: Blessing of Throats on February 3. Only candles blessed with the proper form given in the Ritual for the blessing of candles on the feast of St. Blaise may be used to give the blessing of throats. The candles are joined with a red ribbon so that they form a cross. Once the candles are blessed, they may be stored in the sacristy and used for the blessing of throats each year. It is not necessary to re-bless St. Blaise candles each year. The blessing of throats with these blessed candles may be done also on other days of the year, such as on the following Sunday for the benefit of the faithful who were not able to attend Mass on St. Blaise’s day. A red stole is used. The form is: Per intercessionem Sancti Blasii, Episcopi et Martyris, liberet te Deus a malo gutturis et a quolibet alio malo. In nomine Patris + et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Septuagesima: Consult the seasonal notes in the online Ordo by clicking on the Season icon at the bottom of the page. The color of the season is violet, but it is nevertheless permitted to play the organ and use flowers on the altar during this season. By custom, relics also remain on the gradines during this season.

Quinquagesima: Announce Ash Wednesday to the faithful: (1) Schedules for Mass and Stations; (2) Fasting regulations, i.e., that Ash Wednesday is de jure a day of fast and abstinence and the following Friday is de jure a day of abstinence; see fasting note below; (3) Penance.

Ash Wednesday: Ashes are imposed; for the benefit of those who are not able to receive them on Ash Wednesday, they may be imposed also on another day, which is frequently done on the following Sunday and in the course of sick calls during subsequent days.

Lent: Consult the seasonal notes in the online ordo by clicking on the Season icon. On Ash Wednesday the sanctuary should be scaled down from Septuagesima to Lenten mode, changing out the better altar appointments to those which are more sober (from gold to silver, for example). Flowers and reliquaries are removed from the altar.

Fasting and Abstinence in Lent: (1) Traditional rules: The last regulations issued in the USA before the conciliar reform were in 1957, and are these for the Lenten season, still observed by custom (de more) if not by law (de jure): Fasting (ages 21-59) is observed on all of the weekdays and Saturdays of Lent. Abstinence (ages 7+) is observed on Ash Wednesday, Fridays of Lent, and Holy Saturday, with partial abstinence observed on Ember Wednesday and Ember Saturday; (2) Current rules: The current regulations strictly oblige de jure fast for ages 18-59 on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, and abstinence for ages 14+ on these two days and the other Fridays of Lent. They also require under pain of sin that Lent be observed as a time of penance (CIC 1250), and they enjoin abstinence from meat on all Fridays of the year unless superseded by a solemnity; this abstinence may be commuted to some other penance on all Fridays of the year with approval of the local Ordinaries (CIC 1253); (3) Houses of the Society: Consult the 1997 Regulations, Chapter One.


Local observances

Calendar: These apply to priests assigned to these priories. For the public celebration of the Office and Mass, they apply only to the local territory. If a priest is celebrating Mass privately in another location, he may follow either the calendar of his priory or the calendar of the place. For the private recitation of Office, he must follow the calendar of his priory.

Titulars & Patrons: The External Solemnity of the priory or chapel’s titular feast and of the local patronal feast (principal patron) may be celebrated on the Sunday immediately preceding or following the feast unless impeded by a first class Sunday or feast, in which case it can be commemorated in the Sunday Mass (collects under single conclusion).

Accidental Occurrence: A local first class feast takes precedence over a second class feast or liturgical day, but is trumped by all other first class feasts and liturgical days in the universal calendar. If the superior feast is of the same Divine Person or saint, the local feast is omitted, otherwise, it is transferred to the next available day which is not first or second class. (Sundays and the Feast of the Consecration of a Cathedral or Church are both of Our Lord).

Chapel Titular Feasts (I class)

Louisiana MO: Feb 2, Our Lady of Good Success
Wheeling: Feb 11, Our Lady of Lourdes

Local Patronal Feasts (I class)

Spokane: Feb 11, Our Lady of Lourdes

Local Cathedral Consecrations (I class)

Carthage: Feb 24
Kansas City: Feb 22
Mukwanago: Feb 9
Platte City: Feb 22
Portland: Feb 14
Veneta: Feb 14

Elenchus Sodalium Defunctorum FSSPX,

04. Sacerdos Johannes von Walderdorff, † 2018
11. Sacerdos Alois Kocher, † 1996
11. Clericus Jean Baptiste Després, † 2009
11. Clericus Raymond Guérin, † 2009
11. Clericus Mickaël Sabak, † 2009
18. Sacerdos Bruno Isenmann, † 2007
25. Frater Michel Senecal, † 1995

+Requiescant in Pace+