Tuesday, July 21, 2020

St. Lawrence of Brindisi

Confessor, Doctor of the Church

III class

Commemoration of St. Praxedes, Virgin

General info:

Note: The feast of the Capuchin St. Lawrence of Bríndisi was added to the Universal Calendar in 1959; in older editions of the Missal his feast is found in the MPAL section (Missae pro aliquibus locis)


Mass of the feast, Gloria, commemoration added, no Credo, common preface


Ordinary Office of the feast

Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn from the Common; psalms and antiphons of the feria; first two lessons of the occurring Scripture (second and third joined); lesson 3 of the feast; Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (first schema), remainder from the Common; oration proper; commemoration added

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria, remainder from the Common; oration proper

Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria, remainder from the Common; oration proper; commemoration added

Compline: Of the feria