III class
Commemoration of St. Margaret, Virgin and Martyr
Mass of the feast, Gloria, commemoration added, no Credo, common preface
Ordinary Office of the feast
Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn from the Common; psalms and antiphons of the feria; first two lessons of the occurring Scripture (second and third joined); lesson 3 of the feast; Te Deum
Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (first schema), remainder from the Common; oration proper; commemoration added
Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria, remainder from the Common; oration proper
Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria, remainder from the Common; oration proper
Compline: Of the feria
Next month’s reminders and announcements are listed below and are also available in a usable format here: August 2018 SSPX Ordo Notices.
Saint Jean Marie Baptiste Vianney, Confessor (1786-1859). The feast of the renowned Curé of Ars and Patron Saint of Parish Priests is this month, on August 8. He was proclaimed Venerable in 1874 by Pope Pius IX, beatified in 1905 by Pope St. Pius X, who himself had a great veneration for the Curé, and Canonized in 1925 by Pope Pius XI.
Animadversione: There is a variance in the listing of feasts on August 8 and 9 in different editions of the Roman Missal, as St. John Vianney’s feast was moved to the previous day in 1960 to give greater prominence to St. Lawrence by way of his vigil. Therefore, August 8 is now the feast of St. John Vianney, with a commemoration of St. Cyriacus, et al. August 9 is the Vigil of St. Lawrence with a commemoration of St. Romanus. Therefore, on August 8 use the Mass of St. John Vianney, but commemorate St. Cyriacus et al. (listed on August 8) instead of St. Romanus.
The Vigil of the Assumption is traditionally observed in the USA as a day of fast and partial abstinence.
The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a holy day of obligation throughout the USA.
Funerals are permitted every day this month except on the Feast of the Assumption and where a church is celebrating its Titular feast or the anniversary of its own Consecration.
Looking ahead:
Nov 12-17 Ignatian Priests’ Retreat, Phoenix
Dec 10-15 Advent Priests’ Retreat, Ridgefield
Local observances
Calendar: These apply to priests assigned to these priories. For the public celebration of the Office and Mass, they apply only to the local territory. If a priest is celebrating Mass privately in another location, he may follow either the calendar of his priory or the calendar of the place. For the private recitation of Office, he must follow the calendar of his priory.
Titulars & Patrons: The External Solemnity of the priory or chapel’s titular saint and of the Principal Patrons of the nation, region, diocese, and city may be celebrated on the Sunday immediately preceding or following the feast unless impeded by a first class Sunday or feast, in which case it can be commemorated in the Sunday Mass (collects under single conclusion).
NOTE: Los Gatos and San Jose: St. Clare (August 12) is observed in the diocesan calendar (only) as the secondary patroness of the diocese, II class, while St. Joseph’s feast in March is observed as the festum patroni principalis diœcesis, I class, in both the diocesan calendar and the calendar of religious institutes (such as the SSPX).
PRIORIES: Arcadia and Dickinson: August 1-2. Our Lady Queen of the Angels, I class, Titular Feast of both priories as well as Principal Patroness of Los Angeles. The Mass can be taken from the Missale Seraphicum or from the Common of Feasts of the BVM. August 1: First Vespers from the Common of the BVM. August 2: Festal Office and Mass with no commemorations. Saint Louis, Saint Mary’s, and Walton: August 15, Titular Feast of the Priories. Browerville and Long Prairie: August 16-17. St. Cloud Cathedral Consecration, I class. August 16: First Vespers of the Dedication with no commemoration of St. Joachim. August 17: Festal Office and Mass of the Dedication. Winona and Atlanta: August 21-22. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Principal Patroness of Atlanta and Winona-Rochester, I class. August 21: First Vespers. August 22: Festal Office and Mass. Saint Louis: August 24-25. St. Louis, King of France, Principal Patron of Saint Louis, I class. August 24: First Vespers of the Saint with no commemoration of St. Bartholomew. August 25: Festal Office and Mass of St. Louis. Ridgefield: August 27-28. St. Augustine, Principal Patron of Bridgeport, I class. August 27: First Vespers. August 28: Festal Office and Mass of the Saint. Denver: August 17-18, Consecration of Priory Church (2001), I class. August 17: First Vespers of the Dedication; August 18: Festal Office and Mass of the Dedication. Wall sconce candles should be lit. II Vespers of the Dedication with no commemoration of the Sunday (same Person).
CHAPELS: San Pedro: Los Angeles Patroness August 2 (Our Lady Queen of the Angels); Fort Myers: Titular Feast August 2 (Queen of Angels); Kenner and Lacombe: New Orleans Cathedral Consecration August 3 and New Orleans Patron August 25 (St. Louis, King); Dominicans: Founder August 4; Carson City: Reno Patroness August 5 (Our Lady of the Snows); Long Prairie: Titular Feast August 8 (St. John Vianney); Hartford: Titular Feast August 10 (St. Lawrence); Bremer and Miami: Titular Feast August 11 (St. Philomena); Bay City: Saginaw Patroness August 15 (Assumption); Carthage Titular Feast August 15 (Assumption); St. Cloud: St. Cloud Cathedral Consecration August 17; Kalispell and Victor: Helena Patroness August 18 (St. Helen); Mexico MO and Louisiana MO: Jefferson City Patroness August 22 (Immaculate Heart); Akron, Kingsford Heights, and St. Paul: Titular Feast August 22 (Immaculate Heart).
SSPX Necrology
August 11: Sr. Marie Etienne Barault (2006), French
August 27: Sr. Maria Jacinta Morelli (2001), Italian
August 31: Abbé Daniel Joly (2012), French
+ Requiescant in Pace +