Tuesday, December 3, 2019

St. Francis Xavier


III class


Mass of the feast, Gloria, commemoration of the feria, no Credo, common preface


Matins: Invitatorium Regem Confessorum Dominum; Hymn Iste Confessor; ferial psalms and antiphons; Lesson 3 of the feast; Te Deum

Lauds: FerialĀ psalms of the 1st scheme with antiphons; Hymn Iesu, Redemptor; proper oration; commemoration of the feria

Hours: Ferial psalms with antiphons per annum; proper oration

Vespers: FerialĀ psalms and antiphons; Hymn Iste Confessor; proper oration; commemoration of the feria

Compline: Of the feria