II class
ADVENT BEGINS with I Vespers this evening. For Advent notes, click on the Season icon at the bottom of the page
Mass of the Feast; Gloria; Credo; preface of the Apostles
Matins: All proper including the antiphons, psalms, and nine lessons; Te Deum
Lauds: Antiphons proper, with Sunday psalms (1st scheme); remainder proper
Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder proper
Change to Volume I of the Breviary.
Before Vespers, the altar is dressed for Advent, without flowers.
The organ does not play except to sustain the choir.
I Vespers: Of I Sunday of Advent, Proper antiphons, Saturday psalms, remainder proper, no commemorations
Compline: Of Saturday, Antiphon of the BVM is Alma Redemptoris Mater until Vigil of the Nativity inclusive