Saturday, December 12, 2020

Advent Feria / Our Lady of Guadalupe

Universal calendar:  Saturday after II Sunday of Advent
III class

Local calendar in USA: Our Lady of Guadalupe
III class

General info:

Reminder about the calendar: The calendars of religious and analogous institutes such as the Society of Saint Pius X are governed by particular regulations; they follow the universal calendar and include three observances of the diocesan calendars: the primary patron of the place or diocese, the feast of the dedication of the diocesan cathedral, and local holy days of obligation. (Cf. Rubricae generales, 35-47, 148-157, and 274-284).

In some places, Our Lady of Guadalupe is the primary patron; see Local info below. For more information on calendar observances see Calendar in Rubrical FAQs at the bottom of the page.

Tomorrow and at Vespers this evening, the altar may be ornamented with flowers, the organ may be played, and the color Rose may be worn at the Office and at Mass.



Advent feria (in ecclesiis institutorum / SSPX):

Mass: Of preceding Sunday; no Gloria; after Gradual omit Alleluia with following verse; no Credo; common Preface.

Our Lady of Guadalupe (in ecclesiis dioecesanis Americae Septentrionalis):

Mass: Proper to the feast; commemoration of the feria; no Credo; preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Et te in festivitate.

The Proper Mass for the feast can be found in the appendix of some missals (proper feasts of the USA). If this is not available, use the Mass given in the Common of Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


For Advent feria (in calendario universale et institutorum / SSPX):

Matins: Invitatorium Regem venturum Dominum; Hymn Verbum supernum; ferial psalms and antiphons; no Te Deum

Lauds: Ferial psalms and antiphons of the 2nd schema; Hymn En clara vox; preces are said

Hours: Ferial psalms with antiphons of the second week of Advent

I Vespers: Of III Sunday of Advent, Proper antiphons, Saturday psalms, remainder proper

Compline: Of Saturday

For Our Lady of Guadalupe (in calendariis dioecesanis Americae Septentrionalis):

Use the breviary insert with proper offices for the USA. If this is not available, see notes in Reminder box below.

Matins: Invitatorium Sancta Maria; Hymn Praeclara custos Virginum; Ferial psalms and antiphons; lesson 3 from the feast; Te Deum

Lauds: Proper antiphons and Sunday psalms of the 1st scheme; Hymn Alma Parens; commemoration of the feria

Hours: Ferial psalms and antiphons per annum

I Vespers: Of III Sunday of Advent, Proper antiphons, Saturday psalms, remainder proper

Compline: Of Saturday

Local info:

Our Lady of Guadalupe is the primary patron (I class) or secondary patron (II class) in many dioceses; in the remaining dioceses it is III class.

Where I class: Mass of Feast with commemoration of the feria; Gloria; Credo. Festal office.

Where II class: Mass of Feast with commemoration of the feria; Gloria; Credo. Semifestal office.



If the USA breviary insert is not available, refer to the Common of Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary (in the manner of a III class feast) and the proper texts given below, with commemoration of the feria.

Ad Matutinum

Lectio III
Mexici, in colle Tepeyacensi, anno millesimo quingentesimo trigesimo primo Deipara Virgo Maria Ioanni Didaco neophyto, uti pie traditur, sese videndam præbuit, eique ad antistitem Ioánnem de Zumarraga mandatum dedit, quod et instanter iteravit, de æde sibimet inibi construenda. Episcopus vero signum expetiit. Mox neophytum patruo morituro sacramenta longinquius ab apparitionis loco quærentem, tertio visu dignatur alma Mater, de patrui sanitate serenat, rosasque extra tempus obortas, in eius pallio compositas, ad episcopum deferri iubet. Cuius in conspectu rosis effusis, Mariæ imago, ipsi pallio impressa, uti traditur, mirum in modum præsentibus apparuit. Quæ in sacello episcopali primum asservata, dein ad exstructam ædem in colle Tepeyacensi translata, denique in magnifico templo excepta est, quo turmatim plebes Mexicanæ magis magisque convenire cœperunt, venerationis gratia et frequentiæ miraculorum. Ideoque tamquam præsentissimum præsidium Mexicani antistites, universo populo plaudente, beatam Virginem Mariam de Guadalupe in primariam Patronam gentis Mexicanæ elegerunt, quod Benedictus decimus quartus apostolica auctoritate rite confirmavit. Leo tertius decimus sacram effigiem aurea corona, Columbi recurrente die, anno millesimo octingentesimo nonagesimo quinto per Mexicanum archiepiscopum decoravit. Sanctus vero Pius decimus beatam Virginem Guadalupensem universæ Americæ Latinæ Patronam declaravit.

Ad Laudes

V. Omnis terra adoret te, et psallat tibi.
R. Psalmum dicat nomini tuo.

Ad Bened. ant. Quasi arcus * refulgens inter nebulas gloriae, et quasi flos rosarum in diebus vernis.

Deus, qui sub beatissimae Virginis Mariae singulari patrocinio constitutos perpetuis beneficiis nos cumulari voluisti: praesta supplicibus tuis; ut, cuius hodie commemoratione laetamur in terris, eius conspectu perfruamur in caelis. Per Dominum.

Ad Vesperas

V. Non fecit taliter omni nationi.
R. Et iudicia sua non manifestavit eis.

Ad Magnif. ant. Leva in circuitu * oculos tuos et vide: omnes isti congregati sunt, venerunt tibi: filii tui de longe venient, et filiae tuae de latere surgent.