I class
Black and Violet
Fast and Abstinence de jure
The Passion Liturgy (Mass of the Presanctified, in the O.H.S. called the Solemnis Actio liturgica postmeridiana) should take place around three o’clock in the afternoon, but may take place anytime from noon until nine p.m.
The rubrics of the entire ceremony are given in the Missal. All of the solita oscula are omitted.
The four principal elements are:
1. The Prostration, Lessons, and Passion
2. The Solemn Prayers
3. The Adoration of the Cross
4. Holy Communion
The Prostration lasts the length of a Miserere, which is about sixty seconds.
The first lesson is in tono prophetiae, the second is in tono lectionis.
The Gospel is the Passion from St. John. The celebrant omits Munda cor meum, saying only Dominus sit in corde meo, etc., and omits signing the missal and himself; likewise he omits kissing the missal at the conclusion, and Laus tibi Christe is omitted. For the Passion, incense is not used and the acolytes do not carry their candles. The Passion is ideally sung by three deacons or priests, or by two of them together with the celebrant. Otherwise, the celebrant may sing the Passion with the Gospel tone, or with the Passion tone adapted to one voice, or he may read all of the Passion without chant, or else read the majority of the Passion, chanting the conclusion only (Post haec autem, etc.). The Gospel is to be read or chanted by those constituted in at least the diaconal order; it is not licit for subdeacons, simple clerics or laymen to ceremonially read or chant the Gospel. However, the choir may sing those parts of the Synagoga role which pertain to the crowd.
For the Adoration of the Cross, the cross is to be a wooden one, covered by a violet veil which is pulled back in three stages. It should be able to fit upright into a stand on the altar where the altar cross is usually placed so that it may serve as the altar cross after the adoration. If the distance to the top of the altar is great, the celebrant may give the Cross to a server to take up to place in its stand after the adoration is completed (e.g., up a ladder behind the altar). After the ceremonial cross is unveiled, the other crosses in the church are also unveiled.
After the adoration of the Cross, all genuflect to the Cross in actu functionis only, bowing to the Cross when passing before the altar at other times.
During the adoration, the choir chants the Improperia, or Reproaches, which include Popule meus with the Trisagion, and Crux fidelis. The celebrant recites these alternately with the ministers at the sedilia after they have venerated the Cross, or else he may read them himself, making use of a booklet placed at the sedilia for that purpose. The veneration is done without shoes; if a shoe horn is needed afterwards for the celebrant, it may be placed near the sedilia.
The rubrics of the procession of the Blessed Sacrament from the Sepulchre to the main altar are given in the Missal, as well as the indications regarding Holy Communion and the three concluding prayers.
After the ceremony, the Blessed Sacrament is once again taken to the Sepulchre or to another secure location, and the main altar is stripped bare.
The Office is all proper. The Gloria Patri is omitted after the psalms. The hours contain the concluding antiphon Christus factus est pro nobis obediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis. Vespers are not said by those who attend the Passion Liturgy.
Tenebrae: Matins and Lauds are chanted together, with the extinguishing of the candles on the fifteen-candle hearse, per the rubrics.
Matins: No invitatorium or hymn. It begins absolutely with the first antiphon and contains 3 nocturns. If separated from Lauds, add oration Respice quaesumus Domine. No Te Deum.
Lauds: All proper as indicated in the breviary.
Prime: All proper as indicated in the breviary; the martyrology and chapter portion are omitted.
Hours: All proper as indicated in the breviary.
Vespers: Vespers are not said by those who attend the Passion Liturgy. Otherwise: All as indicated in the breviary, which borrows the vesperal office from Holy Saturday except for Antiphon 1 and the Magnificat antiphon.
Compline: In common, compline is said after the Passion Liturgy. All proper as indicated in the breviary, which borrows the office from Maundy Thursday. The beginning and end are abbreviated.
The blessing of meals today is: Christus factus est pro nobis obediens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis. (Cf. reliqua in Benedictio mensae, in either the Rituale Romanum or in the appendix of the Breviary)