Friday, April 5, 2024

Friday in the Octave of Easter (First Friday)

I class

General info:

The First Friday votive Mass may not be said, but the prayers of reparation to the Sacred Heart and associated devotions may certainly still be held


Proper Mass; sequence Victimae paschali; Preface of Easter with in hac potissimum die and proper Communicantes and Hanc igitur; Ite, Missa est with double Alleluia, all of which continues throughout the Octave.


The hymn and capitulum are not said in any of the Offices; the versicle is only said during Matins. A double Alleluia after Benedicamus Domino occurs only at Lauds and Vespers.

Matins: All as on Easter Sunday; nocturn lessons proper; proper oration; Te Deum

Lauds: All as on Easter Sunday: Proper antiphons and Sunday psalms (1st scheme); Haec dies; proper antiphon at Benedictus and proper oration

Prime: All as on Easter Sunday: Hymn is omitted and office is begun with Sunday psalms (psalm 53); Haec dies; short lesson Si consurrexistis

Hours: All as on Easter Sunday: Hymn is omitted and office is begun with Sunday psalms; Haec dies, proper oration

Vespers: All as on Easter Sunday: Proper antiphons and Sunday psalms; Haec dies; proper antiphon at Magnificat and proper oration

Compline: As on Easter Sunday. Marian antiphon Regina caeli