III class
Commemoration of St. Benedict, Abbot
In Masses of the season, the psalm Iudica me is omitted, as well as the Gloria Patri at the Introit and after the psalm Lavabo.
Mass of Feria IV in Passion Week; no Gloria; commemoration of St. Benedict; no Credo; Preface for Lent; Prayer over the people
Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn in Tempore Passionis as given in the psalter; antiphons and psalms of the feria; 3 lessons proper (homilia in Evangelium diei); no Te Deum
Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (2nd scheme); remainder in Tempore Passionis as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Benedictus Oves meae and proper oration; commemoration of St. Benedict; preces are said
Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder Tempore Passionis as given in the psalter
Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder Tempore Passionis as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Magnificat Multa bona and proper oration; preces are said
Compline: Of the feria