III class
Mass of the feria; no Gloria; no Credo; Preface for Lent; Prayer over the people
Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter; antiphons and psalms of the feria; 3 lessons proper (homilia in Evangelium diei); no Te Deum
Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of the feria (2nd scheme); remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Benedictus and proper oration; preces are said
Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter
Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder in Tempore Quadragesimae as given in the psalter, except proper antiphon at Magnificat and proper oration; preces are said
Compline: Of the feria
Next month’s reminders and announcements are below, and are also available in a usable document here:
April 2019 SSPX Ordo Notices
First-of-month votive Masses: The votive Masses of First Thursday, First Friday, and First Saturday are permitted during Lent, with the Lenten ferias commemorated.
Passiontide: The last two weeks of Lent are Passiontide, beginning with Passion Sunday. Crosses and statues are covered with violet veils from Passion Sunday until Good Friday (for the Cross) and the Easter Vigil (for statues). Flat images are not covered, such as wall murals, stained glass, or bas-reliefs such as those on the front of the altar.
Holy Week rubrics: These are given in the Ordo entries for the individual days.
Holy Week schedule: The Faithful are encouraged to take note of the Holy Week schedule posted in the vestibule. Make plans to attend these sacred ceremonies. Palm Sunday is April 14. Maundy Thursday is April 18, Good Friday is April 19, and Holy Saturday, with the Easter Vigil, is April 20.
Chrismal Mass: Maundy Thursday at STAS. It is held at an early hour so that priests may more easily be able to participate before flying back to their chapels for the evening Mass in Cena Domini. All priests are encouraged to assist. Also, make sure the sacristy has your order for Holy Oils.
Good Friday: It is a day of strict fast and abstinence, and the other Lenten Fridays are days of abstinence (de jure).
Paschaltide: See the Seasonal notes in the Online Ordo by clicking on the Season icon at the bottom of the page. Here are some reminders:
– The Octave of Easter is I class. The Sequence Victimae Paschali laudes is said each day within the proper Masses of the days of the octave.
– The Regina caeli is the Compline antiphon of the BVM until the Friday after Pentecost. It is said standing.
– The Angelus likewise is replaced with the Regina caeli until Trinity Sunday.
– The Asperges is not said, but rather Vidi aquam, from Easter Sunday until Trinity Sunday exclusive. On Trinity Sunday, the Asperges is resumed.
– The Kyriale assigns Mass I to this season, which continues until Trinity Sunday exclusive.
– When Holy Communion is distributed outside of Mass, there is a special form during Eastertide.
– There is a proper Common for Apostles and Evangelists and Common for Martyrs for Eastertide.
– In all Masses (except those of Requiem), Alleluia is added twice to the Introit, once to the Offertory, and once to the Communion, even if not indicated in the Missal, unless there is a proper form given with additional Alleluias. When indicated, the Missal has T. P. (for tempore paschale).
– The usual Gradual-Alleluia form is not used in Masses of Paschaltide. Instead, the Paschal Alleluia form is used: Alleluia, Alleluia with verse, Alleluia, second verse, Alleluia. Votive Masses and the Commons include this form for use during Paschaltide.
– Alleluia is also added to some other verses such as at Benediction: Panem de coelo and Omne delectamentum, and at the Sunday aspersion after Vidi aquam: Ostende nobis and Et salutare.
The Paschal Candle: during Paschal Season, the Paschal Candle remains on the Gospel side of the sanctuary. It is lighted on Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, and Easter Tuesday, on Sabbato in Albis, on Sundays of Eastertide, on other major feasts occurring during the season, and on Ascension up to the end of the Gospel. On these days, the Candle is lighted for Masses in cantu, parochial and conventual Low Masses, and for Vespers. It is not lighted during other days, nor at Benediction unless this follows Vespers on one of the above days.
Paschal blessings: During Paschaltide, the Easter blessing of homes with the lustral water can well be done according to the form given in the Rituale Romanum: Benedictio domorum in Sabbato Sancto et reliquo Tempore Paschali.
Easter baskets of typical paschal food – decorated eggs, butter, cheese, meats, etc. – may likewise be blessed on Holy Saturday or Easter Sunday, with the blessings for edibles given in the Rituale. For reference, the Ritual’s general blessing of edibles (quodcumque comestibile) may be found by clicking the Blessings icon at the bottom of the page.
The Major Litanies: April 25. Those bound to the Divine Office are bound to pray the Litany of the Saints in Latin. Where the procession is held before Mass, take note of the rubrics given in the Missal and the online Ordo for that day.
Minor Orders and Subdiaconate: Sitientes is Saturday, April 6, with the Subdiaconate Ordinations. Ordinations to Minor Orders are scheduled for Friday, April 5. Consult the Seminary for any changes.
Weddings & Funerals: Lent is a closed time for the solemn nuptial blessing; it may not be given without permission or equivalent supplied regulations. Nuptial blessings may resume on Easter Monday. Marriages may be celebrated, with the nuptial blessing to be imparted at a later time (e.g., because of a military deployment), but spouses are to be admonished to avoid excessive festivity during this penitential season. Funerals are not permitted during this season on Sundays, the Sacred Triduum, Easter Sunday, and Low Sunday.
Local observances (see dates below)
Calendar: These apply to priests assigned to these priories. For the public celebration of the Office and Mass, they apply only to the local territory. If a priest is celebrating Mass privately in another location, he may follow either the calendar of his priory or the calendar of the place. For the private recitation of Office, he must follow the calendar of his priory.
Titulars & Patrons: The External Solemnity of the priory or chapel’s titular feast and of the local patronal feast (principal patron) may be celebrated on the Sunday immediately preceding or following the feast unless impeded by a first class Sunday or feast, in which case it can be commemorated in the Sunday Mass (collects under single conclusion).
Accidental Occurrence: A local first class feast take precedence over a second class feast or liturgical day, but is trumped by all other first class feasts and liturgical days in the universal calendar. If the superior feast is of the same Divine Person or saint, the local feast is omitted, otherwise, it is transferred to the next available day which is not first or second class. (Sundays and the Feast of the Consecration of a Cathedral or Church are both of Our Lord).
Chapel Titular Feasts (I class)
Local Patronal Feasts (I class)
Fort Myers: Apr 25, St. Mark
Local Cathedral Consecrations (I class)
Austin: Apr 20
Dickinson TX: Apr 13
Fort Myers: Apr 25
Gilford: Apr 27
Girard: Apr 12
Klamath Falls: Apr 9
Spring: Apr 13
Wheeling: Apr 21
Collects/Orations for Ordinary
Added to the collects of the Mass under one conclusion
Albuquerque: Apr 27, Ioannem/Sanctae Fidei
Binghamton: Apr 21, Robertum/Syracusensis
Bremer: Apr 8, Michaelem/Dubuquensis
Davie: Apr 20, Thomam/Miamiensis
Grand Rapids: Apr 18, David/Grandicataractensis
Las Vegas: Apr 6, Ioseph/Campensis
Little Rock: Apr 10, Antonium/Petriculanus
Miami: Apr 20, Thomam/Miamiensis
St. Louis: Apr 21, Robertum/Sancti Ludovici
Warners/Syracuse: Apr 21, Robertum/Syracusensis
Elenchus Sodalium Defunctorum FSSPX,
01. Sacerdos Denis Roch, † 2003
05. Soror Marie Pierre Lorber, † 1997
10. Soror Marie de la Compassion Bastien, † 1991
16. Sacerdos Paul Egli, † 2011
21. Soror Maria Bernadette Zylla, † 2008
24. Frater Gerard Francis Nichols, † 2017
30. Soror Marguerite Le Boulch, † 2006
+Requiescant in Pace+