Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Holy Day of Obligation in the USA

I class

General info:

Masses of the Dead, including burial Masses, are prohibited


Proper Mass; Gloria; Credo; commemoration of the feria; preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary Et te in Conceptione immaculata


Matins: Invitatorium Immaculatam Conceptionem; Hymn Praeclara custos; 3 Nocturns, all proper; Te Deum.

Lauds: Sunday psalms of the 1st scheme with the proper antiphons of the Feast; Hymn O gloriosa virginum; commemoration of the feria.

Prime: Ps 53 instead of Ps 117, verseĀ Qui natus es, short lesson of Advent: Domine, miserere.

Hours: Sunday psalms with antiphons from Lauds.

II Vespers: Psalms from the Common with antiphons from Lauds; Hymn Ave, maris stella; commemoration of the feria.

Compline: Of Sunday