Monday, January 6, 2025

The Epiphany of the Lord

I class

General info:

Funeral Masses are not permitted


Proper Mass of the Feast; Gloria; Credo; proper preface; and proper Communicantes.


Matins: The Invitatory and Hymn are not said. Begin immediately with 1st psalm antiphon Afferte; 3 Nocturns; the 7th psalm (at the beginning of the 3rd nocturn) is formatted like an invitatory, with the antiphon repeating throughout, as printed in its place; omit psalm 86 and continue with the 8th and 9th psalms as usual; Te Deum.

Lauds: Proper antiphons and Sunday psalms; Hymn O Sola magnarum.

Prime: Instead of Psalm 117 Confitemini, use Psalm 53 (ut in festis); verse Qui apparuisti; short lesson Omnes de Saba

Hours: Sunday psalms with antiphons from Lauds

II Vespers: Proper antiphons with Sunday psalms; remainder proper

Compline: Of Sunday