I class
Traditional day of fast and partial abstinence in the USA
The First Saturday votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is impeded, but the customary devotions of reparation and consecration to the Immaculate Heart may certainly still be held.
Paschaltide ends after None
The Angelus is resumed in the evening (Regina caeli in the morning and at noon)
Change to the second volume of the Breviary starting with Vespers
The blessing of meals during the Octave, through lunch today, is:
V. Spiritus Domini replevit orbem terrarum, Alleluia + .
R. Et hoc quod continet omnia, scientiam habet vocis, Alleluia.
(Cf. reliqua in Benedictio mensae in the Ritual or in the appendix of the Breviary)
Proper Mass with additional lessons*; Gloria; sequence Veni Sancte Spiritus; Credo; Preface of the Holy Ghost; proper Communicantes and Hanc igitur
*The forma longior (obligatory in Ordinations and conventual Masses) has five lessons preceding the Epistle; the forma brevior (which may be used at all other Masses etiam in cantu) has one lesson preceding the Epistle
Matins: All from Pentecost; three lessons, however, are proper; one nocturn with only three psalms; Te Deum
Lauds: All from Pentecost; proper antiphon at Benedictus and proper oration; no preces
Prime: All from Pentecost (Sunday psalms, and psalm 53 takes the place of 117); proper oration
Terce: All from Pentecost (Hymn Veni Creator Spiritus); proper oration
Hours: All from Pentecost; proper oration
Change to second volume of the Breviary
I Vespers: Of the Feast of the Holy Trinity; Sunday psalms with Psalm 116 as the fifth psalm; remainder proper; the I Sunday after Pentecost is not commemorated
Compline: Of Sunday. Marian antiphon Salve Regina.