Sunday, October 18, 2020

XX Sunday after Pentecost

II class

Commemoration of St. Luke, Evangelist

General info:

Mission Sunday: The second to last Sunday of October has been designated by Pope Pius XI as Mission Sunday, the promulgation however of this being left to the judgment of the respective Ordinaries.

The General Rubrics of the Missal treat of it as follows:

453. On the next to last Sunday of October, or on another Sunday designated by the local ordinary as being “for the missions,” in all Masses, the collect “For the Propagation of the Faith” is added to the collect of the Mass under a single conclusion, except on the days listed under nos. 1, 2, 3 and 8 in the table of precedence [i.e., Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, the Sacred Triduum, Epiphany, Ascension, Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi, Sacred Heart, Christ the King, and All Souls].

NB: This collect could certainly be used on the Sunday later in the year when the special District Collection for the Overseas Missions is taken.

369. One Mass “For the Propagation of the Faith” may be celebrated, as a votive Mass of the 2nd class, in the individual churches, on a day on which special celebrations are held for the missions, and on the occasion of a mission congress.”

If the votive Mass is celebrated, it is votive Mass no. 18: Pro Fidei Propagatione (Violet, per RG 129a), Gloria, commemoration of the Sunday, Credo, Preface of the Holy Trinity.


Mass of the Sunday, Gloria, commemoration of St. Luke in Low Masses, Credo, preface of the Holy Trinity


Office of Sunday per annum

Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn per annum as given in the psalter; three lessons proper; Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons and psalms of Sunday (first schema); remainder per annum as given in the psalter; Benedictus antiphon and oration proper; commemoration of St. Luke

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of Sunday (at Prime, Psalm 117 is used); remainder per annum as given in the psalter; oration proper

II Vespers: Of the Sunday per annum as given in the psalter; Magnificat antiphon and oration proper

Compline: Of Sunday