Sunday, March 3, 2019

Dominica in Quinquagesima

II class


Mass of Quinquagesima Sunday; Gloria is omitted; Credo; preface of the Holy Trinity


Office of Sunday per annum

Matins: Invitatorium Praeoccupemus; Hymn Primo die; 9 antiphons and 9 psalms of Sunday; 3 lessons of feast; no Te Deum

Lauds: Proper antiphons, with Sunday psalms of the 2nd scheme; remainder proper

Prime: Psalm 53 replaces psalm 117; short lesson Dominus autem

Hours: Sunday psalms with antiphons from Lauds

II Vespers: Psalms of Sunday; remainder proper

Compline: Of Sunday


Lent begins later this week on Ash Wednesday. Review the Lenten liturgical regulations by clicking on the Season icon at the bottom of the page and opening the Season of Lent heading. Announce the Ash Wednesday Mass schedule. Announce the Lenten fasting regulations, with particular emphasis on Ash Wednesday as a day of fast and abstinence.