I class
Violet (Rose may be worn)
Today flowers may be used on the altar, the organ and other musical instruments may play, relics are exposed on the altar gradines, and Rose vestments are substituted for violet in the Office and Mass.
Funerals are not permitted.
Mass of the 4th Sunday of Lent; no Gloria; Credo; Preface of Lent
Offices of Sunday in Tempore Quadragesimae
Matins: Invitatorium Non sit vobis; Hymn Ex more; 9 antiphons and psalms of Sunday with verse Ipse liberavit; 3 lessons of feast; no Te Deum
Lauds: Proper antiphons, with psalms of Sunday (2nd scheme); remainder is proper
Prime: Proper antiphon; psalm 53 replaces psalm 117; short lessonĀ Quaerite
Hours: Proper antiphons, with psalms of Sunday; remainder is proper
II Vespers: Antiphons and psalms of Sunday; remainder is proper
Compline: Of Sunday