I class
Funerals are not permitted
Proper Mass; Gloria omitted; Credo; preface of the Holy Trinity
Matins: Invitatorium and Hymn in Tempore Adventus; Advent antiphons with Sunday psalms; lessons from the occurring scripture and from the homilia in Evangelium diei; no Te Deum
Lauds: Proper antiphons with Sunday psalms (1st schema); hymn and verse in Tempore Adventus, capitulum, Benedictus antiphon, and oration proper
Hours: Proper antiphons for the respective hours taken from Lauds, with Sunday psalms; responsory in Tempore Adventus, capitulum and oration proper
Vespers: Proper antiphons with Sunday psalms; hymn and verse in Tempore Adventus, capitulum, Magnificat antiphon, and oration proper
Compline: Of Sunday