Saturday, February 22, 2020

Chair of St. Peter

II class

Commemoration of St. Paul, Apostle


Proper Mass Statuit ei; Gloria; commemoration of St. Paul under one conclusion; Credo; Preface of the Apostles


Much of the Office is proper.

Matins: Proper Invitatorium Tu es pastor; proper Hymn Quodcumque; antiphons and psalms from the Common; 3 nocturns; Te Deum

Lauds: Antiphons from the Common, with psalms of Sunday (1st scheme); remainder is proper; commemoration of St. Paul (under one conclusion, without antiphon and verse)

Hours: Antiphons and psalms of the feria; remainder is proper

Vespers: Of the feast. Antiphons from the Common, with psalms of Sunday, however, replacing the last psalm with psalm 131 Memento, which is given on the feast; remainder is proper; commemoration of St. Paul (under one conclusion, without antiphon and verse); commemoration of the coming Sunday

Compline: Of Sunday