I class
Mass of the Annunciation; Gloria; commemoration of the feria; Credo; Preface of the B.V.M with Et te in Annuntiatione
Matins: Invitatorium Ave Maria; proper hymn; antiphons, psalms, and verses from the Common of feasts of the B.V.M. except ninth antiphon proper; nine lessons proper; Te Deum
Lauds: Proper antiphons, with Sunday psalms (1st scheme); remainder is proper; commemoration of the feria
Prime: Proper antiphon, with Sunday psalms; Ps 53 instead of 117; verse Qui natus es
Hours: Proper antiphons, with Sunday psalms; remainder is proper
II Vespers: Proper antiphons, with psalms from the Common of the B.V.M.; remainder is proper; commemoration of the feria
Compline: Of Sunday
In II Vespers of the Annunciation, there is a commemoration of the feria but not of I Vespers of Our Lady of Compassion (whose I class feast occurs tomorrow in the SSPX) according to RG 111(a), 113, and 114.