Sunday, December 13, 2020

III Sunday of Advent (Gaudete)

I class
Violet (Rose may be worn)

No commemoration of St. Lucy, Virgin and Martyr

General info:

Today, the Altar may be ornamented with flowers, the organ may be played, and the color Rose may be worn at the Office and Mass.

Funerals are not permitted today.


Mass of Dominica III Adventus; Gloria omitted; Credo; preface of the Holy Trinity


Matins: Invitatorium Prope est iam Dominus; Hymn Verbum supernum; 9 antiphons and 9 psalms of Sunday; verse Ex Sion; no Te Deum

Lauds: Proper antiphons and psalms of the 1st scheme; Hymn En clara vox

Hours: Sunday psalms with antiphons from Lauds

II Vespers: Sunday psalms with antiphons from Lauds; Hymn Creator alme siderum

Compline: Of the Sunday