Rubrical FAQs

The headings below expand to a concise explanation of the topics listed. The information is presented so that the most common dubia arising in the Apostolate may be resolved at a glance.

The rubrics are those of the immemorial Roman Rite authentically handed on by Pope St. Pius V, who with the bull Quo Primum promulgated the Roman Missal, the latest and current editio typica of which was issued in 1962.

The complete General Rubrics are available in English from Angelus Press, which carries a wealth of other manuals, materials, and liturgical books pertaining to the Mass, Divine Office, and Liturgical Chant of the Roman Rite, including The Celebration of Mass: A Study of the Rubrics of the Roman Missal, by Rev. J. B. O’Connell. For the full inventory, please visit