II class
Within the Octave of the Nativity, I and II class votive Masses of the Dead are permitted.
Mass Puer natus assigned to the days within the Octave of the Nativity (in the Missal immediately after December 28); Gloria; Credo; preface and Communicantes of the Nativity.
Matins: Invitatorium, Hymn, and 9 antiphons and psalms from the Nativity (joined, not said as three nocturns); verse as found at the conclusion of the psalms for the Nativity (in its third nocturn); 3 lessons proper to December 30; Te Deum
Lauds: Antiphons of the Nativity with Sunday psalms; Hymn A solis ortus
Hours: Saturday psalms and antiphons; rest as on the feast of the Nativity
I Vespers: Of Dominica intra octavam Nativitatis, which is found in the breviary immediately after the Nativity; antiphons and psalms of the Nativity; the remainder is proper; no commemoration of the octave.
Compline: Of Sunday